Excellent usability for your website. Part 4.

Today, when on the Internet there are millions of the websites on any subjects, it is important to detain the client on a web resource as long as possible, having naturally accompanied it to commission of target action. For achievement of this purpose golden rules of a usability were output. Implicit following to these seven rules will allow you to bring convenience and efficiency of the advanced web resource to the best value.
5. Competently work out design of the website.
Perhaps, it is the most extensive and influential aspect of the website demanding to itself the special attention. The design of the website includes a combination of the graphic elements used on pages, fonts, styles, templates, elements of banner advertising. Work on design is complicated by his subjectivity. What looks attractively from the webmaster point of view, can be not attractive to a certain number of visitors.
In regards to design of the website there are a lot of rules, however below we will sort out the most important recommendations:
• Graphic components of design should not distract the visitor from information content.
• If the website belongs to the company, its logo has to be placed in a website on the top of each page.
• The logo of the organization can be turned into a navigation element, having put in it the reference to "main".
• The design of the website should not be varicolored with the numerous colors straining eyes of visitors.
• Do not use textural design of a background – the text on it is read very difficult and strains sight.
• Colors of a font and a background have to be high contrast on the relation to each other – so simpler to read.
• Apply standard fonts – Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman are displayed best of all.

The design of the website should not be varicolored with the numerous colors straining eyes of visitors.
In spite of the fact that the website – the quite good platform for experiments, is not recommended to do it with design. It is better to use standard and minimalist decisions which will not distract users from information, goods and services. Acid tone, unreadable fonts, mass of pictures, banners and videos – the easiest and effective way to frighten off visitors and to reduce conversion of a resource to absolute zero.
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