Friendly Interface for Your Website. Part 3.

To be able to communicate with the user.
The user has to understand which one of his or her actions is processed at the moment by the system of the website. Process of sending the message has to be followed by the phrase "the message is sending" on the screen and the end of this process – "the message is sent". If there is a failure in a system, the user needs also to be notified on it. On top of notification, system should inform customer about the reason of error and what he or she can do in this situation. If the resource anticipates loading of large volumes of information, then it is necessary to place progress bars so that the user could see the status of the process.
For example, Form of registration for an event:
For an experiment below I have filled out only the two first columns of a form of registration, left empty a line with e-mail and have specially entered the wrong repetition of the password. The system has at once indicated mistakes (it is highlighted in red). Any good interface has to do exactly so.

On top of notification, system should inform customer about the reason of error and what he or she can do in this situation.
To have different styles for buttons with different types of actions.
In any interface each button has its own function: to pass somewhere, to open the menu, to open in a new window, to download and so on.
Not to confuse users, follow such rules:
1. Clickable and not clickable elements have to be various. It is possible to highlight them with color, type of font, or the size. The user has to see at once what buttons he or she can press and pass somewhere and what ones are present just for information.
To visualize the content of the page it is possible to add the icon suitable for content of a tab bar (subpage).

2. Highlight with color or style that section of the menu in which a user is at the moment.
For example, on this page it is clear at once that we are in the section "Workshops" and it is highlighted in the color.

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