Upsale in eCommerce

When a person has bought something on your site, it is logical to consider that he or she might like to buy something else or refill purchased goods later (in cosmetics, for example).
So, how do you bring your customers back for new purchases?
One of the most popular ways is email, even though it is being seriously challenged by messengers and social media. You need to write right letters in a right time, and now we'll tell you how to do it.
Purchase reminder. Some eCommerce shops send their customers emails offering some new goods right after people have made their first purchase. This is because it is considered that users are more likely to interact with a brand when their memories about it are fresh.
Reminder to restock the goods from a previous purchase. This works when you sell products of which people can run out, i.e. cosmetics. When some time has passed since the person`s last buy, you can offer to refill the goods that have been sold before.

One of the most popular ways is email, even though it is being seriously challenged by messengers and social media.
We miss you! Some people don't buy anything because they're waiting for a discount or a special offer. Give them this offer! Write those who hasn't bought anything from you for a while and offer a discount for the next purchase.
Testimonials. One more way to interact with your buyers is to ask them to leave testimonials about the product they've bought. But don't stop on simple "How was it?" Not everybody has time to write an answer right away or to leave a detailed comment. Try to follow Amazon`s example: turn your letters into a short pool. If you want to know whether the size fit — add several buttons like "too small", "just right", "a little bit big", "too big". Pushing a button is easier for your client than writing a poem. You'll get your testimonials and get one more touch with your buyers, while your buyers will save their time and appreciate your care.

Some people don't buy anything because they're waiting for a discount or a special offer.
"You may also like..." "Frequently bought together" section can also be used in your emails.
Warranty expiry. If you sell goods with warranty, you can remind your customers about the expiry and offer to extend it.
And remember: even if a person hasn't bought anything yet, but has left one`s email, you still can offer your goods basing on one`s search history and viewed products.
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