9 types of a content with a high value

1. Trustworthy content + authority It's easy to play with people`s perception. Sometimes you just need to write a longer article (1500-3000 words) to make it look like a more valuable one.
2. Useful content A content that solves problems of your audience is the most valuable for them.
3. Emotional link Tell a bright story and appeal to emotions of your readers.
4. Proof Everybody loves precise data and references to authoritative sources. Try to substantiate all information you give to your people.
5. Mutuality We always sence sympathy towards those who help us. When you help someone even without asking, a person feels obliged and wants to do something good back to you (i.e. advice you to one`s friends or leave good testimonials).
6. Curiosity It's hard to stop reading if you're already interested and curious about the content. Try to create an intrigue on every step of your content to keep people interacted.
7. Contradictions People willingly share and comment a controversial content. And it doesn't mean that you need to shock or hurt someone enough to present an opinion different from a common one.
8. Self identification People like to be a part of a group and to interact with those who're like them. Let people identify themselves with your content: use their language, adress them properly. Let them think that you are one of them.
9. Memorizing How many articles you've read do you remember? Probably, not many. And the ones you do remember must have called strong emotions or presented some interesting, or even shocking content. Include an element of a story to your content to increase chances of being remembered. Stories appeal to emotions and help our brains to memorize the material.
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