The history of web design
A very funny infographics about the history of web design!
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Sunday digest: website navigation
In this digest we collected for you our series of articles about website navigation: Sub-navigation, Accordion menu, Sequential menu, Sectio

Categorical Landings. Pros and cons
Categorical Landing is when pushing on a category, you get to a separate landing with all sub-categories of this category. Pros: 1. This men

Sectional menu. Pros and cons
Sectional menu is a different menu for every section of a website. For example, BBC website has several sections, such as: Sport, News etc.

Sequential menu. Pros and cons
Sequential menu is when a user can only see sub-categories of the last category one has chosen. To get back to the list of categories one mu

Accordion menu. Pros and cons
So, what are pros and cons of an accordeon menu? Let's start with what accordeon menu actually is. Its a type of menu when main categori

Creating a menu on a Wix site
Good navigation on a website is a key to the perfect User Experience and high conversion level! But you might have already noticed, that the

An update of Impressive Slideshow
Hey! We've prepared something great for you: an update one of your favourite and the most beautiful plugin "Impressive Slideshow&qu