Search on a website: what you can change
Have you ever thought of an impact a search on a site has to the conversion level? Actually, on most websites (especially, online shops) sea

5 easy ways to ruin a font
There are many situations which can make us look for a specific font: when we create a logo for a brand, when we write a text on a site, whe

Our traditional Sunday digest with the best articles!
Our traditional Sunday digest with the best articles! 6 tips on improving email marketing; 5 ways to create an unusual landing; 5 important

Pictures: from mobile to desktop
Most of websites nowadays are made due to the "mobile first" concept, which means that you firstly create a mobile version of a si

5 important webpages you've forgotten about
When you think of content marketing – what comes to your mind? Social media? Blog posts? But how about 404 page, "About us" page o

5 ways to create an unusual landing
There are almost 1,5 billion websites in the internet. And most people creating them know the main rules and principals of web design and we

7 reasons why your website isn't effective
Have you ever faced a problem of low conversion level on your site? Or have you noticed that your clients don't really like using it and

5 secret tips for making perfect ad slider
Need to create an ad? But how to make people notice and like it? Here are our secret tips to help you solve this problem:
1. Picture to the