Sunday digest. JAN, 22 – JAN, 28.
Sunday digest – best of the week!
6 steps to a productive day
We've figured out 6 steps using which we made our days more productive. Maybe they'll help you too.
How to fight customer outflow
What leads to the outflow of customers? The first reason is that people stop understanding a value of your product, or loose their interest.
Consumer cycle
Every person goes through several stages before becoming a buyer.
PmPHS or the main secret of copywriting
We use copywriting in many spheres of business: in website design, in e-mail marketing, in content marketing etc. So it's important to k
Google design sprint
Design sprint by Google is a 5-day process which helps to understand, whether an idea fits the needs of customers. This sprint doesn't a
Sunday digest. JAN, 8 – JAN, 14.
4 best articles of this week.
8 ways to motivate yourself
Everyone has experienced some kind of a problem with motivation at least once in one`s life. It's so hard to get up in the morning s