Impressive Site Menu: Layouts overview.
Layouts: Slide In; Corner Slide; One by One; Mini Slide; Curve-In; Bounce Down; Bubble-In; Bounce-In; Expand-In; Drop-In; Wave-In.

Impressive Slideshow: How to set the same animation on all slides using templates.
To customize the template go to the "Templates" section and click "Edit Template"; You can customize the background imag

How to use Impressive Text Slider with image or video background.
Create Impressive Text Slider with transparent background; Move text slider forward using the editor toolbar; Customize and animate your cap

Impressive Welcome Bar: Animation speed.
Click on the "Animations" tab, and then choose motion effects. Set the "Appears after" and "Disappears after".

Impressive Site Menu: Unique features.
More dropdown and submenu levels. Add up to 3 languages. 11 different menu animations. Modern menu icon. Social icons inside menu.

Impressive Slideshow. Great new features.
Impressive Slideshow Update Coming Soon! New easy-to-use interface. Text and Image animations. Overlay — cover your pictures with shades of

How to collect users` data
Imagine that you need to collect emails of people who visited your site. What is the best way to do that?

Pop-ups and their effectiveness
Pop-ups are used almost on every website. But some of them have conversion about 10% while the others hardly can reach 1%.